11-11-11 Prayer Service

by / Friday, 11 November 2011 / Published in Blog Posts


I held a special prayer service at Many Mansions Spiritual Centre today, November 11, 2011, at 11:11 AM. This is a plea to the divine and the invisible forces above to come into the world and intervene in the welfare of everyone on the planet. Join with me and pray for peace, enlightenment, and the raising of your consciousness to that of unconditional love. Today’s service includes a short sanctification ceremony, prayers and a time for meditation, contemplation, and introspection. Approximately 30 minutes.









Topic: 11-11-11 Prayer Service

2 Responses to “11-11-11 Prayer Service”

  1. JJ Moneysauce says :

    Thank you for posting this and the post yesterday. Both were very uplifting and inspiring. It’s not quite as good as living in Hamilton but it’s close enough given the geography. 🙂

  2. Chrissy says :

    I am praying for a miarlce cure for my severe gum recession and for my three back teeth. If this is not God’s will, then at least halt the recession permanently, do not let the gums bleed or thin out, forever stop any more shifting and/or loosening and/or spacing of my teeth, let there be no tooth decay and no recurrence of the gum disease. (I had periodentitis.) As far as the back teeth are concerned, I fervently pray that the worst-case scenario with them is that they require refilling. One of these teeth is almost all filling with just this thin strip of real tooth on the side. I pray that if it is needed, my dentist is able to refill that tooth. I am begging God that I do not lose a single tooth and that my teeth do not get all funny looking and sticking out. I also am begging God it costs me nothing to not that much money in order for me to be able to keep all my teeth. Amen.