Radio Show – May 16, 2013

by / Tuesday, 21 May 2013 / Published in Blog Posts

As I was in Norway this week, and last week several people requested that we do a show on UFO’s, we had three guest personalities, Robert Appel, Douglas Matthew Cottrell, and Lindy Tucker, discuss UFO’s and what the DTM readings said about extraterrestrial life. Many of you were curious as to what the DTM material said on UFOs, so Douglas played an excerpt from an actual deep trance meditation that discussed UFOs. Also discussed was Lindy’s research on sightings or observation of crafts, and their ability to go through air/water, simultaneously. Clearly such craft are not from earth. In trance during this DTM, I was asked where this craft came from, and the occupants’ purpose, i.e. what were they doing here. The DTM responses were curious, but eventually gave information as to the purpose of the craft being present in the earth, including a relationship to our ozone layer of the atmosphere. The DTM gave the direction of the craft as well and a description of the occupants.

Guest Robert Appel observed that after listening to scores, possibly hundreds of DTM sessions, this is the first and only time that the DTM questioned the meaning of the question. The answer was extraordinary on any number of levels. Why this was the response on this topic was discussed at some length, given that there is a sparcity of information on this topic from a global perspective.

Guest Lindy Tucker, a UFO researcher, discussed the Disclosure Project ( having recently attended a UFO conference in Florida. She discussed her research in preparation for publication on sound as it relates to UFO sightings. She also discussed her own personal reading with Dr. Douglas about her UFO sighting, the results of which were fascinating. Listen to the show to learn what the readings told her, and also what the readings did not tell her, which is perhaps just as important as what they do say. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who is interested in UFO sightings and research.